Tuesday, May 22, 2012

JMedic Dermal Laboratories Master Pro White EGF White Essential / Hyal Complex

This is another fake product. We will post more details as we receive feedback from our Korean partners.

Aqua Skin Whitening Skinnic

This is another product which is an immitation using the name Skinnic, a brand name and establishment in Malaysia and Expanscience Laboratoires. Upon checks, the manufacturer does not exist in Switzerland. The spelling on the box at the back concerning the address is also a misspelled word for Laboratory in swiss. The bar code also indicates that this is not a product made in Switzerland. We have also looked at the composition in the aqua (water) solution. A few items in it cannot dissolve in a water environment. Thus this is another fake item.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Glutax 4G & Glutax 5G

Another new version of a fake item, taking the cue from Glutax 3G is apparently on the market now. We will post its picture when we have them later.

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