Beware of fake or repacked products being sold as the original. Some resellers have even gone to the extent of touting a known imitation as the original. If one is concerned about one's health & safety, make it a point that what you get is the original, not fakes.
The practice of some unscroupulous traders, repacking unknown contents into nicely labelled boxes with a well known brand name has been around for many years. Consumers are easily misled into believing that these are the original.
For the sake of safety, please contact local brand distributors or parent companies of the branded goods to ascertain if such products are really manufactured by them.
To get in touch with us, please email us directly at
We have now received from Germany, genuine Lipoic Acid injection 600 mg x 5 amps/box.
We have received new stock for Vitamin C Bayer Italy and L-carnitene 2Gm from Italy.
Tathion 500 has been discontinued in Korea, thus the product is no longer available. Having said this, we do have about 5 bottles still available to cover the transition before a new replacement is available. The new product replacement is undergoing production in Korea and should be available around July/August 2013.
There are new products in the market such as tranexamic acid powder, kojic acid, biome, derma C, Aqua Whitening, Aqua Skin EGF, JM Pro white, Glutax 3G, 4G, 5G, 9G, Luchinni Stem Cell & Live Cell Theraphy, NC24 Premium or Pure Crystallize Ultimate Whitening 1500, Veniscy, Multivital, Lumistor, Biocell and a host of other new products. These are all repacked products. They are NOT original/authentic. Stem Cells for example cannot survive in an ampoule at room temperature. So do not be misled.
Most Popular Certified Genuine Original Products
Tationil Teofarma Gerovital H3 Laroscorbine Vitamin C Tathion 500
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